Prof. Nicholas Roe's Lecture 2008


Prof. Nicholas Roe, University of St.Andrews, gave a lecture on "John Keats's last journey from Naples to Rome" on Thursday 9 October, 2008 at Waseda University. He came to Japan this time for a special lecture at the 34th conference of the Japan Association of English Romanticism to be held at Shikoku University on 11 and 12 October, and kindly arranged his time to give this lecture for students at Waseda.

Prof Roe, who has been writing his new biography of John Keats, in which he focuses on Keats's last journey via Appian Way, the details of which have quite often been ignored or mis-represented by biographers. During the lecture, using the photos of his own taking, Prof. Roe explained about the places Keats visited and some antiquities Keats might have seen during his journey and led the audience to a virtual tour with Keats.

prof roe and prof.nishiyama

prof roe1 prof.roe2 prof roe3

prof roe4 prof.roe5

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Prof. Roe and Prof. Nishiyama with the students had some drinks at a restaurant

at the restaurant at the restaurant

view from the restaurant
a view of Mt. Fuji from the window of the restaurant

at the restaurant at the restaurant

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