Welcome to Prof. Nishiyama's Room

This page introduces Dr. Nishiyama, Professor Emeritus of English Literature, School of Education, Waseda University

this page is constructed by Yuka TANAKA



Professor Emeritus of English Literature at School of Education, Waseda University.
Director of Japan Association of English Romanticism
Advisory Editor of the Keats-Shelley Review
Ph.D (Waseda University)
Ma (Waseda University)
Born in Tokyo, 1949.

Select Publications:
Keats's Myth of the Fall. (Tokyo: Hokuseido)
Centre and Circumference. joint authorship(Tokyo: Kirihara)
Voyages of Conception. joint authorship (Tokyo: Kirihara)
The Decoding of the Bible.(Tokyo: Chuokouron)
The Flowering of Hellenism in Britain.(Tokyo: Maruzen Planet)

Select Translations:
E.R.Wasserman, Finer Tone.(Tokyo: Kirihara)
John Keats, Endymion.(Tokyo: Otori)


Prof. Nishiyama Festschrift (2017) Wordsworth Summer Conference 2015. Mr Ito recieved his Ph.D. Prof. Nishiyama's lecture at the Romantic Connection 2014. Prof. Nishiyama's kyenote lecture at Wordsworth Summer Conference 2012. Mr Suzuki recieved his ph.D. Prof. Nishiyama's kyenote lecture at the German Society for English Romanticism, Coleridge International Conference in Kobe 2011. Prof. Bode's Lecture, Mr Ichikawa recieved his ph.D., Coleridge Summer Conference 2010. Maruzen Interview with Prof. Nishiyama. The Celebration of Prof. Nishiyam's 60th Birthday, Prof. Nicholas Roe's Lecture, Ms. Connolly's Lecture, Prof. Nishiyama's Lecture, Link to WebIntroduction to English Romanticism, Prof. Nicholas Roe's Lecture, Some photos of Students.

Letters from Britain

Letters and photos from Prof. Nishiyama. Reports of the Lecture at St Andrews

PhD Colleagues

introduce our colleagues

English Romanticism

Link to texts of Romantic writings, the History of British Post, Keats and Consumption, etc

Updated 21 Nov. 2019 by Yuka TANAKA
yuka(at mark)ruri.waseda.jp