PhD Colleagues


MA, PhD (Waseda University)
Professor at Ibaraki University
Lecturer at Waseda University

Research Interests:
Romantic Period Poetry: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Women Poets(Ann Yearsley, Joanna Baillie & Felicia Hemans). Reading Public in the Romantic Period(esp. Subscribers, Literary Circles), Reception of Romantic Poetry in the Victorian Period.

Select Publication:
*"Growth of a Poet's Mind and Consistency in Watery Scenes in 'Spots of time'" Fortune,5, 1993.

* "Subscribers in the Age of Romanticism". The Bulletin of the Graduate School fo Education of Waseda University. Separate Volume No10-1, 2002

*"The Difference in Mind between Writer and Reader: Wordsworth and C.J.Fox". Voyages of Conception, Japan Association of English Romanticism, 2005


MA (Waseda University)
Lectuer at Waseda University (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:

Select Publication:
* "Leigh Hunt's Liberal Poetics" Essays in English Romanticism 28, 2004.

* "Cockney Poets and the Canon: the Case of Dryden". Voyages of Conception: Essays in English Romanticism, Japan Association of English Romanticism, 2005.

* "Surviving in the System or Canonical and Uncanonical Desires\Leigh Hunt's Critical Strategy in The Feast of the Poets" Essays on English Language and Literature 34, 2005.


MA (Waseda University)
MA (National University of Ireland)
Associate Professor at Seinan Gakuin University

Research Interests:
Anglo-Irish Literature & Drama, especially James Joyce.

Select Publication:
*The Untold Jewish Incident in Ulysses: Aspects of Anti-Semitism and Nationalism in Ireland"iJOYCEAN JAPAN, 13, June 2002j@


MA (Waseda University)
PhD (Waseda University)
Lecturer at Waseda University, and some other universities (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:

Select Publication:
*gThe Equivalence of Coleridgefs and St. Augustinefs Thinking on Language" Essays in English Romanticism(No 29&30, 2006)


MA (Waseda University)
Lecturer at Meiji University, Chiba Institute of Technology etc (Non-Tenured)
Extension Lecturer at Waseda University

Research Interests:
Romantic period poetry, especially Sir.Walter Scott.

SUZUKI, Yoshikazu

MA (Waseda University)
PhD (Waseda University)
Associate Professor at Japan Woman's University
Lecturer at Center for the Teaching of Foreign Languages in General Education,Sophia University

Research Interests:

Select Publications:
* "Retiring from the Worldf: Keats, Milton, and eOde to Psyche," Essays in English Romanticism(No 34, 2010)

* "The load of this eternal quietudef: Keats, Wordsworth, and the Poetics of Belatedness," Essays in English Romanticism(No 35, 2011)

* A Review of Sarah Woottonfs Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations in Art and Literature, Studies in English Literature. Vol.48 English Issue (The English Literary Society of Japan)


MA (Tsuda College)
PhD Candidate
Formerly Employed at JAL
Lecturer of English at Meiji University (Non-Tenured)
Lecturer of Tourism Studies at Daito Bunka University (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:
Modern Women Writers

Select Publications:
* "Death in the Works of Muriel Spark: The Representation of Absolute Truth," M.A. Thesis, 3. 2001 (Recipient of the Kasuya Yoshi Award at Tsuda Collage)



MA (Aichi Shukutoku University)
PhD Candidate
Lecturer at Toho Gakuen School of Music (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:
Romantic period poetry, especially Keats.

Select Publications:
* "Kiss in Hell: Keats's Paolo and Francesca Sonnet" Toho Gakuen School of Music Faculty Bulletin. 35, 2009.


MA (Waseda University)
Lecturer at Komazawa Women's University
Global COE Programme International Institute for Education and Research in Theatre and Film Arts (The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum Waseda University) Associate Fellow

Research Interests:
EPerformance of Shakespeare during 18th and 19th Century
EShakespearean Prompt book during 18th and 19th Century
EShakespearean Actors during 18th and 19th Century (John Philipe Kemble, Sarah Siddons, Edmund Kean)

ITO, Kenichiro

MA (Waseda University)
PhD (Waseda University)
Lecturer at Meiji University (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:
EJohn Keats and William Hazlitt
EA history of linguistics and literary theory
EA cultural history of reading
Select Publications:


MA (Rikkyo University)
PhD (Waseda University)
Assistant Professor at Nippon Sport Science University,
Lecturer at Waseda University

Research Interests:
18th & 19th century literature, esp. Mary Shelley, Gothic literature, and Romanticism.

Select Publications:
*"Walton-Frankenstein-Mariner, the Trilogy" Essays on English Language and Literature, 34, 2005. 53-65.

* "The Plague of The Last Man Killing the Heroism and the Idealism in the Age of Romanticism" Essays in English Romanticism 31, 2007. 25-37.

* 'Mary Shelley as Poet: The Contribution of "The Choice " to Mary Shelley Studies' Diesis: Footnotes on Literary Identities. Spring 2012. 46-57. (




MA (Waseda University)
PhD Candidate
English teacher at Waseda University Senior High School.


MA (Waseda University)
PhD Candidate
Research Associate at Waseda University

Lecturer at Daito Bunka University (Non-Tenured)

Research Interests:
Romantic Period Poetry, especially Keats.


MA (Waseda University)
PhD Candidate
Research Interests:


MA (Waseda University)
PhD Candidate
Lecturer at Komazawa University, Komazawa Women's University and Toho School of Music.(Non-Tenured)
Research Interests:
John Keats


MA (Waseda University)
PhD Candidate
Lecturer at Komazawa Women's University (Non-Tenured)
Research Interests:
English Romantic Poetry and Painting: John Keats and B. R. Haydon
