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Coleridge International Conference in Kobe 2011

“Coleridge, Romanticism, and the Orient: Cultural Negotiations” was held as a three-day international conference focusing on Samuel Taylor Coleridge and cross-cultural issues in Romantic Literature, in particular, their associations with the Orient, from 16 July 2011.
It was the first Coleridge international conference to be held in Japan, which will be held in Kobe, a port city and one of the most beautiful and historic cities in Japan.
Many interesting works of criticism were aired here, including lectures by Alan Bewell, Seamus Perry, Tim Fulford, Deirdra Coleman, Peter Kitson & Masashi Suzuki and other 30 paper presentations.

Ms Naohara, a member of the conference project group, read her paper titled "Coleridge's Transatlantic Influence: Various Interpretations of Reason" there.
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naohara3 Oriental staffs of the project:
