

Address: {Jo}hn Keats/ Post. Office---/ Margate.
I have been swearing to write you every hour this week --- but hve been so interrupted that the Post Man has rang his bell every night in vain, with a sound that made my heart quake…(From B.R.Hydon to Keats, 8(?) May 1817, Letters 1 134)

これはキーツの友人がキーツに宛てて書いた物ですが、この中からpost manがベルを鳴らして手紙を集めている様子がうかがえます。

Address: Messrs Keats/ Post office/ Teignmouth/ Devon---
Postmarks: TwoPyPost Unpaid HampsteadNO; B FE 21 818; 7 o’Clock FE 21
…These double Letters must come rather heavy --- I hope you have a moderate portion of Cash --- but don’t fret at all if you have not…(To George and Tom Keats, 21 Feb 1818, Letters 1 235,237)
PostmarksのTwoPyPostはTwo-Penny Postの事を指しており、また郵便料金は支払われてない事が分かります。本文中のdouble lettersはたぶん2枚の紙に書いたことを指していると思われます。一枚の手紙の倍の郵便料金がかかってしまうので、キーツは弟たちにそれなりのお金を持っているといいけど・・・と書いているのでしょう。

…We shall see another waterfall near Rydal to which we shall proceed after having put these letters in the post office. I long to be at Carlisle, as I expect there a letter from George and one from you. (To Tom Keats, 27 June 1818, Letters 1 301)


Address: Mr Thos. Keats/ Well Walk/ Hampstead/ Middx--/ Single
Postmarks: 10 o’Clock JY 13 18{18}; D 13 JY 13 1818; 1/2
…we went on towards Stranrawier in a burning sun and had gone about six Miles when the Mail overtook us---we got up--- were at Portpatrick in a jiffy, and I am writing now in little Ireland…(To Tom Keats, 7 July 1818, Letters 1 317, 319)

Address: Miss Keats/ Miss Tucker’s/ Walthamstow.
Postmarks: TwoPyPost Unpaid SOHampstead; 7 o’Clock AU 19 1819 Nt
…If Mr A should see this Letter tell him that he still must if he pleases forward the Post Bill to Perth as I have empowered my fellow traveller to receive it… (To Fanny Keats, 19 August 1818, Letters 1 364-65)
キーツが妹宛に書いた手紙です。Post Billというのは郵便為替の様な物だと思われます。

Address: Mr B. Bailey/ J. Bailey Esqre/ Thorney Abbey/ Peterborough ---; readdressed with Revd inserted before Mr to Mr Fairbairn’s/ Cant Square/ Carlisle
Postmarks: GLASGOW 31 Jul 1818 405; No 4; and others unreadable
…Your Letter followed me from Hampstead to Port Patrick and thence to glasgow…(To Bailey, 22 July 1818, Letters 1 340, 343)

Haslam has been here this morning, and has taken all the Letter’s except this sheet, which I shall send him by the Twopenny, as he will put the parcel in the Boston post Bag by the advice of Capper and Hazlewood, who assure him of the safety and expedition that way --- the Parcel will be forwarded to Warder and thence to you all the same.(To the George Keatses, 31 October 1818, Letters 1 405)
これはアメリカにいる弟ジョージ夫妻に宛てて書かれた物です。Haslamがその手紙を取りまとめて一緒に送ろうとしている様子が読みとれます。キーツは今書いているこの手紙はTwopennyで(つまりTwo-penny Post)で送るといっています。

Address: Miss Keats/ Rd Abbey’s Esqre/ Walthamstow---
Postmarks: SOHampstead 3 py P Paid; 7 o’Clock FE 27 1819 TwoPennyPPaid; To be Delivered by 10 o’Clock on Sund Morn
I think I have better always pay the postage of these Letters. (To Fanny Keats, 27 February 1819, Letters 2 41-42)
これは妹宛に書かれた物で、数少ない郵便料金の前払いをした様子が分かります。キーツはいつも郵便料金を払った方がいいよね、と書いていますが実際にはこの手紙ともう一通しか払っていません。Postmarksの3 py P Paidは恐らく3ペンス払ったことと思われます。Hamsteadはロンドン市外になるので余分な一ペニーを払わなくてはいけないと思われます。

Address: Miss Keats/ Rd Abbey’s Esqre---/ Walthamstow/ near London
Postmarks: WINCHESTER 29 AU 29 1819; 10 o’Clock AU 30 1819 FNn; E 30 AU 30 1819

…I some time(s) since sent the Letter I told you I had received from George to Haslam with a request to let you and Mrs Wylie see it: he sent it back to me for very insufficient reasons, without doing so; and I was so irritated by it that I would not send it travelling about by the post any more: besides the postage is very expensive. (To Fanny Keats, 28 August 1819, Letters 2 147-48)

Address: ----Hessey Esqe/ taylor and Hessey/ Fleet Street/ London
Postmarks: WINCHESTER 5 SE 5 1819; E 6 SE 6 1819
I received this morning yours of yesterday enclosing a 30L bank post bill. (To Hessey, 5 September 1819, Letters 2 154)

Address: To, Mr Richd Woodhouse/ 8. Duke Street Bath---
Postmarks: WINCHESTER 22 SE 22 1819
I see I have completely lost my direction --- So I e’n make you pay double postage. (footnote: He paid one shilling fourpence. By Rollins) … I wrote two Letters to Brown one from said Place, and one from London, and neither of them has reach’d him…All the infernal imaginarry thunderstorms from the Post-office are beating upon me …(To Woodhouse, 21, 22 September 1819, Letters 2 169, 172-73)
引用一行目で云うlost my directionはキーツが手紙に詩などを書きとても長いとりとめのない文章を載せたときの事を指しています。double postageを友人に払わせることになってしまったとも書いています。一枚の紙で終わればsingle letterで8ペンスで済んだバースとウインチェスター間の郵便料金が2枚の紙だと倍になってしまったことを指していると思われます。また後半の引用では手紙が届かないことがあったと郵便事情に対する不満が表されています。

Works Cited.
Rollins, Edward, ed. Letters of John Keats 1814-1821. 2vols. Cambridge MA: Harvard UP, 1958.



